The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf (06/25/2019)
Location: The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf
Time: 9:37pm
Thoughts: Promises
A third magpie feather; a fourth blue one overall.
I'm reading about listening to God's voice when He calls us to do something.
Genesis 22:1-3 (Abraham with Isaac)
I know that God truly loves me and that at the end of the day, what He promises. He never lies.
Even though I can feel lonely, God promises that He will never abandon me, even if I'm discouraged and disheartened.
He promises to never give me more than I can handle.
~ * ~
Sometimes, I can feel isolated and alone in "the lows" and when I feel like I'm sinking, I question,
"Why here? Why now?"
"I'm trying to be present and enjoy the moment..."
At the end of the day, I will never know why and I won't always understand, but I am grateful that at least You provide me with ways to grasp onto the Light and people to bring me to the present.
Thank You.
Truly thank you.
Walking here was lonely, but now that I'm here, I get to be here with You.
Thank you for loving me.
~ * ~
Cars pass.
750B passes. 751 & 710...470.
Thank you for watching over me and promising life everlasting.
I can't wait to rest in the shadow of your wings.